From time to time, SoBe has the chance to take on brand activations that we’re able to share details from. This particular one was so amazing that we couldn’t wait to show it off! This activation represents just one of the many ways that South Beach Photo Booth Co can help you bring your event ideas to life. Contact us today if you’d like to work together.
Three day photo activation for the Finish Line store in LA for the IVY PARK launch from Adidas.
SoBe was tasked with creating a multi-day custom photo interaction area to accompany the overall launch scene in store at Finish Line for the IVY PARK weekend launch.
During the 3 day event, SoBe’s team offered retail shoppers and visiting influencers the option for photos or an animated GIF, and guests then entered their phone number or email to immediately receive their image on their personal cell phone for social sharing.
This social sharing was integrated into the Finish Line and Adidas social media marketing campaign for their hashtag based contest. Shoppers and guests had the opportunity to share their images to all personal social media channels and win merchandise and other rewards.
The installation was just one of many marketing angles from Adidas on this project. South Beach Photo Booth was able to provide a physical presence in addition to the expertly launched influencer marketing side of the campaign.
We sat down with Darin Dougherty, Experience Director of ENGIN Creative. They were the team behind the logistics for this extremely successful launch and they chose SoBe over other vendors because they needed our experience and expertise. If you have a similarly high profile event, don’t hesitate to contact us.
– How did you hear about South Beach Photo Booth Co? How long have you guys been working together?
Our program manager on this project has a background in the events industry and has worked with South Beach Photo for years.
– How did you decide on a photo activation for this event?
We were tasked with bringing a specific spot in a retail environment to life. We’re always looking for ways to create active, shareable moments and really, who doesn’t love a photo booth?
– What were your overall goals for this activation?
Adidas was launching a new line of apparel and footwear for their partnership brand with Beyonce, Ivy Park. We really wanted to bring the brand’s campaign to life and find a way for consumers to become part of the campaign themselves. We did this by recreating one of the photo stages from the campaign with the real props from Bey’s photo shoot. Using SoBe as our photo booth partner was just a natural way to bring the consumer into the activation.
– What were some of the best results that you saw?
Big picture, we transformed what would typically be a static retail execution–a floor fixture and maybe some graphics–into an engaging and shareable moment for the brand to connect with its consumers. The one on one personal interactions and consumers walking away with a piece of the brand exceeded the results we would have gotten from a static activation.
– Do you have any suggestions for anyone else considering booking with South Beach?
If you might be planning on a photo activation, reach out to them sooner than later. They’re not just great on the day of the event! They have years of experience executing multiple types of activations and are extremely helpful during the planning stages of a project.
We love the look and feel of an activation like this, and there’s certainly something you can’t put a price on when it comes to creating killer content. On the other hand, stats are how we all get paid. We’re not allowed to share every detail, but I can tell you that we hit almost 100k in organic reach. This is equivalent to thousands and thousands of dollars worth of ads. Except… it was organic.
If you’re only familiar with paid reach, you’re missing out. Organic is much harder to achieve, much more valuable, and much more effective. While getting their content in front of this many people might have cost Adidas a few thousand dollars, getting it in front of people organically wasn’t achievable without an amazing installation and truly share-worthy content. There’s an extra benefit here for people who are in need of shareable content–with a proper disclaimer, you can share those images afterwards. FinishLine created weeks worth of content with SoBe.
We had a ton of fun helping Los Angeles experience the launch of IVY PARK. So did the guests. We can’t thank ENGIN enough for inviting us to participate in this, and we look forward to sharing more and more of our events with all of you moving forward.
If you’re looking for a full service solution that you can rely on through every step of the project, you’ve found what you’re looking for with SoBe. Our work was good enough for Beyonce and you can’t argue with that!

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